Meet the Team

Kai Wang
Assistant professor

Rakshit (Rocket) Naidu
ML PhD student

Future students and postdoc

PhD students: I expect to recruit 2-3 strong and self-motivated PhD students starting in 2024. Please list my name in your PhD application. If you are interested in working with me as a Ph.D. student, feel free to contact me directly. You are more likely to receive a response if your e-mail contains specifics about how our research interests overlap.

PhD application: Georgia Tech PhD program (CS, ML, CSE track in the school of CSE)

Postdocs: I currently do not have funding for postdocs. If you come with your own funding, or have applied through other postdoc funding program, feel free to contact me. Please be specific about how our research interests overlap.

MS and BS students: Please consider taking my courses in 2024 Fall and 2025 Spring to see if you are interested in my research. We can discuss further then.